
%0 Conference Proceedings
%4 sid.inpe.br/mtc-m16c/2017/
%2 sid.inpe.br/mtc-m16c/2017/
%@issn 2179-4820
%T Geracao automatica de codigo fonte para restricoes de integridade topologicas utilizando o perfil UML GeoProfile
%D 2017
%A Sperandio, Vinicius Garcia,
%A Stempliuc, Sergio Murilo,
%A Ferreira, Thiago Bicalho,
%A Lisboa-Filho, Jugurta,
%@affiliation Faculdade Governador Ozanam Coelho (FAGOC)
%@affiliation Faculdade Governador Ozanam Coelho (FAGOC)
%@affiliation Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais (IFNMG)
%@affiliation Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV)
%E Davis Jr., Clodoveu A. (UFMG),
%E Queiroz, Gilberto R. de (INPE),
%B Simpósio Brasileiro de Geoinformática, 18 (GEOINFO)
%C Salvador
%8 04-06 dez. 2017
%I Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
%J São José dos Campos
%P 128-133
%S Anais
%X In the geographical database context, the UML profile called GeoProfile is used in the conceptual modeling of geographical data with well- defined metamodel topology constraints through the use of Object Constraint Language (OCL). This paper describes the process of automatic transformation of GeoProfile constructors and its spatial constraints along the different levels of the MDA architecture. The process was tested in the Enterprise Architect CASE tool. The proposal includes extending the OCLtoSQL plugin to automatically creates triggers that enforce the topology integrity constraints of geographical data in DBMS Oracle Spatial.
%@language pt
%3 16sperandio_lisboa.pdf
